Meet Our Team: Laura Ritchey

an image of Laura Ritchey smiling at the camera

As a Lead Accountant at Hasenbank Accounting Services, Laura reviews accounting reports to ensure their accuracy for the owners who rely on that information.

Since joining HAS in late 2022, she has used her 35 years of experience and knowledge in accounting to assist clients with their finances and her fellow employees with their daily tasks. 

She is excited to work on multiple projects together and loves being able to work with company principals to provide the most accurate accounting information so they can make the most informed decisions about their business.

When not at work, she can be found spending time with her children and grandkids.

Hasenbank Accounting Services provides remote accounting support to Managed Service Providers and IT businesses. With over 27 years of accounting experience and 23 years supporting the IT industry, we are focused on making the financial aspects of your MSP business one less thing to worry about. Contact us today to see how we can help you.


How the IRS's Postponement of the SECURE 2.0 Act Rule Shapes Future Plans


The Role of Cost Accounting in Managed Service Providers